Redefine your Limits

A friendly, supportive environment for ladies of all stages, and all fitness levels.

Thoughts from the Health High Ladies

I am able to move better and I feel stronger. The support and encouragement Tash gives during Bootcamp and my 1 on 1 sessions is fantastic.

I love the atmosphere Tash has created and how she tailors sessions to help me accomplish my different goals throughout the year (skiing, tough guy and gal and hockey).

I want to thank you Tash for giving me the confidence to do things I never ever dreamed of doing. You are the best!”

— Helen

I am really overwhelmed with my progress since training with Tash; I have a better relationship with exercise! From push ups on my toes, to full range squats to deadlifts to running a 10k faster (after a baby), I just love where it's taken me! By having something just for me, to help me grow and develop my own goals, I truly feel like I have found who I am again, or maybe even a better version.

Tash you are authentic, honest, compassionate and a bloody awesome person! I am so thankful for all that you do.

— Amanda

I’ve been going to Tash’s boot camp and having Personal Training sessions along with my partner for over two years now, and I love it. I feel so much stronger. I am relishing the changes in my body, and the feeling of achievement that comes with that.

Tash has been able to adapt sessions for me while injured, and also through my recovery post-surgery. Even though parts of me didn’t work as well as others, the workouts are always tailored to suit.

Tash brings an amazing energy and sense of fun to our sessions.

— Red